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Prayer List

Heavenly Father,
you have promised to hear when we pray
in the name of your son,
Therefore in confidence and trust,

We pray for the Church:

πŸ™ For persecuted Christians around the world.

πŸ™ We pray for our local clergy, (wherever in the world you happen to be). For the administration staff of our Church – who keep things running smoothly. For all the volunteers that help with all that needs to be done. For youth workers, Sunday school teachers and helpers in both the school and church situations. We pray especially for those reaching out and working in Pastoral Care.

πŸ™ We pray for all those working as Chaplain's today Lord, that you would bless and uphold them and walk with them as they help support and care for your flock.

Father enliven the Church for its mission
that we may be salt of the earth and light to the world

Breathe fresh life into your people
Give us power to reveal Christ in word and action.

We pray for the world:


A worldwide Global Christian Event is going to happen very soon. In just a few days, Christians around the world will gather together with representatives from every denomination to repent, pray and worship. It will be translated live in over 80 languages thanks to AI. It will come live from live from 7 different locations one on every continent and should be available to join everywhere in the world. Watch from your home or your Church.


πŸ™ Anti-Semitism is rife throughout the world right now. There is a simpler word for anti-Semitism - it is pure and simply Racism - please pray against racism throughout the world - Racism is a tool of Satan and we should not tolerate it in ourselves or in our Churches and communities! Pray against this tool of the enemy and his lies!


πŸ™ 70 Christians have been beheaded in a Church in the Congo. Please pray for the Christians of the Congo. The question being asked is why is the media in the West ignoring this? If it was 70 Palestinians they would be up in arms and it would be all over the News - it shows the bias and prejudice towards Christians held by the Western Media.


πŸ™ Steeped in Gang Violence with a million people possibly set to be deported back to the chaos there. The huge questions are what happened to all their aid money? The answer Corruption. Haiti is a crime ridden mess. Please pray for Haiti and for those who left and settled into the United States to escape the violence, who are facing possibly being deported back - when things have not improved. I understand President Trump not wanting to throw good money after bad and cutting their aide, because it wasn't reaching the right people, and wasn't improving things but what happens now in Haiti? Please pray for God to take control of the situation there. Especially as the people of Haiti are now appealing to the Pope for help.


πŸ™ Please pray for Christians in Iran. The majority of Iranians want an end to the Islamic Regime there. They are not happy with what their government has done and most of them are wanting Israel to help take down their government. Some are prepared to give their lives to take it down. This has also led to more and more turning to Christianity.


πŸ™ We mourn with Israel today as the bodies of the 2 Bibas children were returned with them having been murdered in November 2023. But the body that was supposed to be their mother was NOT! Could she still be alive? Please pray for her today and please pray for the father who only just returned from captivity and is now having to bury his children, and for the other extended family members of the children. Returning a body that is not the body of the hostage is a violation of the ceasefire agreement.


πŸ™ North Korea remains at the top of the World Watch List aa the worst, most dangerous country in which to be a Christian. Being discovered to be a Christian in North Korea can mean a death sentence. Please pray for the people of North Korea, especially Christians remaining there.


πŸ™ Palestinians need Jesus. They they have been taught nothing but hate and fear, their own government betrayed them and so many are so brainwashed they are still supporting Hamas when Hamas doesn't really care about their people at all. Please pray for their salvation.


πŸ™ People in several areas of Scotland have been sent letters notifying them that Praying in the privacy of their own home is now Illegal because they are in zones near Abortion Clinics. Free speech no longer exists there. Some people that have been arrested simply for voicing their opinion. Please pray for Scotland.


πŸ™ For years, UN human rights bodies had been documenting, monitoring and publishing reports on abuses, and bringing Syria’s dire human rights record to the world's attention. But it appears the UN and the world wasn't listening or didn't care. The UN claimed they couldn't do anything until after the rejime fell. Syrian civilians have in secret at risk of their lives recorded the human rights abuses carried out by Bashar al Assad's regime. Please pray now that justice will be done and those responsible will be held accountable.


πŸ™ On the 27th of Feb dozens of diplomats, from multiple countries staged a walkout at the UN Human Rights Council during a speech by a Russian diplomat. They did this in support of the Ukraine. Thank God for some common sense and justice finally being shown at the UN. But talks don't seem to have gone so well between the USA President and the Ukraine's President Zalensky today. Please continue to pray for the Ukraine.

Creator of all,
lead us and every people into ways of justice and peace,
That we may respect one another in freedom and truth.

Awaken in us a sense of wonder for the earth
and all that is in it
Teach us to care creatively for its resources.

We pray for our Country:

πŸ™ Pray for our Government and leaders.


πŸ™ There were 13 Covid deaths where Covid was the reason or a contibuting factor, in New Zealand last week. 700 new cases were reported. So please keep praying.

Give grace to all whose lives are linked with ours.
May we serve Christ in one another, and love as he loves us.

We pray for those in need:

πŸ™ Please pray for a parishioner's nephew who has cancer, he collasped and has been told the cancer has spread to his brain. Please pray that God will keep him comfortable and pain free. Pray that the Comforter will be with his family as they navigate this sad and difficult time.

πŸ™ Please pray for Alex who is in Hospital and may need surgery.

πŸ™ Please pray for Louise who is having surgery to her arm, Pray for wisdom for the surgeons and a quick recovery.

πŸ™ Please pray for Sue as she waits for surgery for an intestinal tumour. Pray for a speedy result and God's healing.

πŸ™ Please pray for a gentleman who has just been made redundant. Pray for God's provision for him and his family.

πŸ™ Please pray for a parishioners friend who is having difficulties with her daughter. Please pray for God to move in their lives.

God of hope comfort and restore
all who suffer in body, mind or spirit
May they know the power of your healing love.

Make us willing agents of your compassion.
Strengthen us as we share in making people whole.


Lord we praise and thank you for:

πŸ™ Please pray a blessing for all those on prayer chains - the many who faithfully pray and intercede for others. There is a lot of hurt, pain and evil in the world, sometimes it can feel overwheming and sometimes a tangible sense of the sadness God feels about it can also be felt. Help us remember Jesus is big enough to love all of us. But today especially pray for those who upon receiving a text, pause whatever they are doing and for a few moments, reconnect with God to bring the plight of someone who needs prayer to his attention. Thank God for the love and compassion they have towards others.

πŸ™ God’s creation that is still going on around us.

πŸ™ God loves us so much during this difficult time, and he shares our pain, fear and grief. His shoulders are large enough to embrace the world - it is natural to worry, but it is also a burden we need not bear, give the worries to Him.

πŸ™ Give thanks for our worldwide family of God, loved by God and by each other.

πŸ™ Our families, friends and loved ones and our church families.


We offer thanks and praise to you LORD
for blessing this venture,
giving us your support, and inspiration.
We praise you for being, who you are,
that you bless us with what we need
often before we even know we need it.
That your plans for us are so much greater
than anything we could imagine.
Truly may thy will be done in these pages.

If you know of a situation needing prayer support, please message us, via our contact us page or on our facebook page.