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Welcome to the Prayer 7s Challenge

How much do you love God? The practice of Christian daily prayer grew from the Jewish practice of reciting prayers at set times of the day. Can you commit to the challenge?

God is there for us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! We challenge you to give him back 1 hour a day, in blocks of 5-10 mins at a time.

For hundreds of years, Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy have keep what is called 'The Daily Office' or 'The Divine Office'. Priests and vicars, monks in monasteries, or nuns in convents, alone in their rooms or formally together in church or chapel, early morning and again in the evening, they kneel in prayer.

We have taken the formal New Zealand Lectionary prayers and present them to you in shortened version, divided up throughout the day.

Prayer 7s Devotions Plans

Without a plan, many of us drift or don’t know where to begin or how to approach God. Here are 2 Plans to help you do so:


Pray one page at every meal/coffee break and last thing at night.

Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws - Psalm 119:164
The times of prayer and the services are seven in number, like the number of gifts of the Spirit, since the holy prayers are from the Spirit. - Saint Symeon of Thessaloniki


Pray 20-30 minute in the Morning doing 3 pages all at once, 1 page at Lunch and 20-30 minutes in the Evening doing 3 pages all at once:

  • star MORNING: Breakfast (Lauds), Morning Tea (Terce), Lunch (Sext) - Old Testament reading..

  • star LUNCH: Afternoon Tea (None) - Gospel reading..

  • star EVENING: Dinner(Lauds), Supper(Compline), Midnight Prayer (Matins) - New Testament reading.

The alternate 3 times a day plan works just as well as the 7 times a day plan, the prayer pages are set out so it gives you 1 Bible reading in each prayer time, as it is based on the Anglican Daily Office. Whichever plan you choose to adopt; pray with sincerity and expect to see God act in your life. May His blessing be with you always!