Bless the Lord, whose name is to be praised,
Our Father who art in heaven,
who has given us his laws,
to show us the error of our ways,
Blessed is his son, Christ the Messiah,
who redeemed us from having broken them.
Blessed are you, O Holy Spirit,
who assists us in sinning no more,
and sustains us in the way of the Lord,
grant us wisdom and understanding this day.
Old Testament Reading - Laws about Blood

10“And I will turn my face against anyone, whether an Israelite or a foreigner living among you, who eats blood in any form. I will excommunicate him from his people. 11For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given you the blood to sprinkle upon the altar as an atonement for your souls; it is the blood that makes atonement because it is the life.a 12That is the reasoning behind my decree to the people of Israel, that neither they, nor any foreigner living among them, may eat blood. 13Anyone, whether an Israelite or a foreigner living among you, who goes hunting and kills an animal or bird of a kind permitted for food, must pour out the blood and cover it with dust, 14for the blood is the life. That is why I told the people of Israel never to eat it, for the life of every bird and animalb is its blood. Therefore, anyone who eats blood must be excommunicated.
. . . . . Leviticus 17:10-14- Implied
- Literally, “every creature.”
Please remember our Prayer Requests
O Lord, you are our God:
we call upon you all day long.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.
Rescue the weak and poor,
deliver them from the power of the wicked.
Christ, have mercy. E te Karaiti, kia aroha mai.
Lord, our souls wait for you,
for our hope is in your word.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.