Do you take sin seriously,
or do you seriously sin?


sin cancelled
Do you take sin seriously, or do you seriously sin?

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What happened to sin? Most people feel guilty, because they are! Guilt is not some dysfunctional feeling that we should not be having ... it's a WARNING to tell us we have violated the moral code. Jesus made it clear in his Sermon on the Mount that we all fail to meet Gods standard. Even the priestly nation of the Jews, failed miserably. They time after time went astray, worshipping other gods, in fact they proved for all of us that keeping his Laws and Commandments without His direct help is near impossible. That's why Jesus had to come and die for us!

But Sin is an avoided word today... modern society, even liberal Christians, down-play sin... instead we have faults, short-comings, hang-ups, problems, mistakes, slip-ups, or that we are dysfunctional or sick. They don’t want to be labeled a sinner.

The word "sin" has religious overtones that brings God into the picture. The world with its PC and Woke culture refuses belief in absolutes, and God is the biggest absolute. Modern society tries to cancel absolutes, and sideline inconvenient truth. People want to be their own god, justifying their own moral evil, putting self, their feelings, their opinions ahead of facts, especially the fact that there is a God of justice who created the world and one day they will be accountable for their behavior. God is definitely an absolute and He sheds a full light on sin.

Sin often has a glamour about it and Christians are all just forgiven sinners. Jesus atoned for us, He paid our legal debt of sin at the cross, and thankfully we have Grace, but even we can still fall into sin at times and sin has consequences. We don't want to disappoint Jesus, so we need to take it a lot more seriously. Don't be lead astray! Jesus said:

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? - Luke 14:28

While Jesus specific topic here, was the cost of following Him, it also indicates you shouldn't act on any plan, or even express an opinion, before 'weighing the cost'. Whether supporting a cause or even following a sermon, but especially with anything from social media. Do your own research, pray about it. The more controversial the topic the more research you should do before you comment. It could help avoid you being lead astray and remember sometimes its Better to stay quiet and be thought a fool than open your mouth and fit your foot in it.

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Prayer 7s Ministry, New Zealand. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.