Some people seem to think that God's only goal is to save your soul. To help you become morally upright and as spiritually mature as possible, so that one day he can take you to heaven to live with Him. In a sense that's true. But God loves you as a Father loves his child, so it goes way beyond that, God is interested in your job, your health, your relationships, your finances, your dreams and your goals. Did you think he was somehow not, because these things are carnal, worldly and temporal? NO He is interested. When you think He isn't you 'spiritualise' every promise you read in Scripture and when you pray, you believe the only thing He wants to do is help you become more spiritual.
So today lets look at the scriptures and see what God really says about this, because the truth is the exact OPPOSITE (See today's Readings). By maintaining that God plays no part in your achieving success or financial security, your contradicting his Word. And when you do that your on dangerous ground, because your making yourself the sole source of your success and the Bible has a name for that - it's a sin named 'PRIDE'.
You need to remember Jesus words in today's Gospel reading, that said, I am not an adherant of what some Churches seem to teach - that your successes are all God's while your failure's are all yours. Rather I believe that you have a right to be proud of the effort you put in that contibuted to your successes, just don't forget that God made you what you are. . . .he contibuted by giving you the attibutes required to achieve what you have achieved, He brought you to that place in life where you were able to achieve them and He also may have contributed to your failure's, because we all fail in life sometimes and failure is valuable - failure builds character and how we handle succuss and failure truly shows your character to others. I recently read an article where Prince William and Catherine talked about how they are raising their children and they spoke of the importance of teaching them how to handle success and failure - they are right.
So in conclusion God wants to save your soul, and all that implies but he doesn't want you so spiritual minded, you are no earthly good. God is more practical than that and he wants his children to succeed, especially at the missions He puts in front of them, and there will be one.