The childhood of Jesus

2nd Sunday of the Epiphany


Jesus in the Temple age 12
The childhood of Jesus
2nd Sunday of the Epiphany

Picture courtesy of

We know little about Jesus childhood. He was 0-2 years, when he was taken to Egypt to escape King Herod, who saw him as a threat to his throne and wanted to kill him. He was a young child between 3-8 yrs.’ when they returned to the Holy Land after hearing Herod was dead. Herod's son was not a big improvement, so they didn't return to Bethlehem, but settled in Nazareth.

There is nothing more until he was 12 years old except for one single verse in the gospel of Luke.

There the child became a strong, robust lad, and was known for wisdom beyond his years; and God poured out his blessings on him. – Luke 2:40.

Some have referred to the childhood of Jesus as “the hidden years” or the “years of silence.” Only his family and the people of Nazareth would have known anything of his childhood, and it is obvious that Luke and Matthew who give the accounts of the nativity story have different sources. At the time Luke wrote his gospel, only Mary would have known the supernatural circumstances surrounding his birth, the prophecy spoken at his circumcision and the later visit of the Magi, and the flight to Egypt. So she had to have been Luke's source. We do know Joseph taught Jesus carpentry, and He would have attended yeshiva school, like all Jewish boys. He also went to the Temple in Jerusalem with his parents for the pilgrimage Feasts. Legends exist that He then travelled with his Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea a wealthy tin and lead merchant, going to Roman Britian and many other places. But we don't know for sure, if so he later settled back in Nazareth and was a Carpenter until he started his ministry.

There are so many questions that the Bible doesn’t answer. It wasn’t written to satisfy our curiosity, The Gospel writers were more focused on the ministry and teaching of Jesus, this was the part they had witnessed personally. But that one verse and his wisdom at 12 years in the temple tell us, He knew who His true Father was and knew more of God than many adults, “wisdom beyond his years”.

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