Judas Iscariot had betrayed the Messiah, the Son of God, when it finally dawned on him, how Satan had used him and what he had done, he believed he was damned for all time, and he took his own life.
There were 12 disciples called by Jesus, just as there were 12 tribes of Israel. They were chosen and they believed there had to be 12 apostles, for they were “to sit on thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel” (Luke 22:14,30). So after much discussion they decided to replace Judas the betrayer.
The apostles, had been together throughout the Lord’s ministry, from the baptism by John to the ascension (Acts 1:21-22). According to Acts, there were 2 others, who had also followed Jesus throughout his ministry: Joseph called Barsabbas, also known as Justus, and Matthias. Matthias was chosen by lot after prayer to replace Judus Iscariot. The casting of lots ensures that Matthias is indeed the divine choice. This was confirmed a short time later when Matthias received the Holy Spirit with the others at Pentecost.
A tradition known to Eusebius related that Matthias was one of the 70 (Luke 10:1,17) that Jesus sent out on mission trips. This cannot be proved, but is more likely than Clement of Alexandria’s identification of him with Zacchaeus. One German protestant theologian, Hilgenfeld thinks he is the same as Nathanael in the Gospel of John.
It is generally believed that Matthias ministered in Judaea and then carried out missions to foreign places. Greek tradition states that he Christianized Cappadocia, a mountainous district now in central Turkey, later journeying to the region about the Caspian Sea, where he was martyred by crucifixion and, according to other legends, chopped apart. His symbol, related to his alleged martyrdom, is either a cross or a halberd. St.Helena, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, reputedly transported Matthias’ relics from Jerusalem to Rome.