The Red Dragon on the Welsh flag, is falsely believed by some to be a demonic symbol or representative of a old pagan welsh god. I believe after some research it is actually, representative of The Roman Emprie, a symbol of their power and authority. After the Romans withdrew from Britain in the early 5th Century the Welsh Kings adopted it to adopt their power. So it has been a symbol of Wales now for Centuries and in myth it is linked to the Arthurian legends. It does seem a bit incongruous that a Christian country is represented by a Dragon flag. But after so many centuries they are not likely to change it, and most Christian there don't view it as demonic but just part of the past.
Loving God,
you gave your servant David grace
to be a wise and faithful leader
of your church in Wales;
give us perseverance and unwearied devotion
that we may be your faithful people now and always;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Our Father,
save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
Giver of the present, hope for the future:
save us from the time of trial.
When prophets warn us of doom,
of catastrophe and of suffering beyond belief,
then, God, free us from our helplessness,
and deliver us from evil.
Save us from our arrogance and folly,
for you are God who created the world;
you have redeemed us and you are our salvation.