Bless the Lord, whose name is to be praised,
Our Father who art in heaven,
who has given us his laws,
to show us the error of our ways,
Blessed is his son, Christ the Messiah,
who redeemed us from having broken them.
Blessed are you, O Holy Spirit,
who assists us in sinning no more,
and sustains us in the way of the Lord,
grant us wisdom and understanding this day.
Old Testament Reading - No Idolatry

9Therefore, obey the terms of this covenant so that you will prosper in everything you do. 10All of you — your leaders, the people, your judges, and your administrative officers — are standing today before the Lord your God, 11along with your little ones and your wives and the foreigners that are among you — those who chop your wood and carry your water. 12You are standing here to enter into a contract with Jehovah your God, a contract he is making with you today. 13He wants to confirm you today as his people, and to confirm that He is your God, just as he promised your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 14-15This contract is not with you alone as you stand before him today, but with all future generations of Israel as well.
. . . . . Deuteronomy 29:9-15Confession
Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hidden;
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
so that we may truly love you
and worthily praise your holy name:
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.