Portrait by George Romney
John and Charles Wesley were brothers, among 19 children of a Lincolnshire rector. Their lives were profoundly shaped by their mother, Susanna Wesley. Her education of her children was based on strict discipline and obedience. John in particular never ceased to revere her. Both brothers attended Oxford University, where Charles founded the “Holy Club”, a group committed to a “methodical” discipline of prayer, Bible reading, weekly communion, and helping the poor.
Both were ordained in the Church of England. Then came in contact with the Moravians and were impressed greatly by them. On 17 May 1738, John attended a Christian meeting and experienced what most Christians would call being "saved".

Preacher, Poet and Hymn writer.
When he preached about his new assurance in John met with a hostile reception and was told not to return. Encouraged by George Whitefield, another evangelical John began to speak in the open air, taking the gospel to the poor of the new industrial towns, with whom the Church of England had little contact. For 52 years he travelled on horseback, first between London and Bristol, and later to the Midlands, Scotland and Ireland.
John unwittingly became the founder of the Methodist Church, incorporating Moravians methods, in the training and discipling of new believers, the by-product of this was skills that also improved social and economic positions. To the end of his life John continued inspiring the social concern that has ever since been a typical feature of Methodism.
Charles experianced his "conversion" 3 days before John on Whitsunday. Like his brother, he was an open-air preacher for a number of years before settling in London in 1771. His greatest contribution is the poetry of his hymns. He wrote over 6,000. These express personal experiences, the call of God, repentance, conflict with evil, and a joyful devotion to Jesus. Many of his hymns are still sung, including such favourites as “Hark the herald angels sing”, “Love divine, all loves excelling”, “Author of life divine”, and “Lo, he comes, with clouds descending”.
Both John and Charles Wesley regarded themselves as loyal ministers of the Church of England. John saw the Methodists as forming an energising group within it. However by the time of his death they had split from the Church of England, becoming a separate organisation.
BORN: John Wesley, 1703
Epworth, Lincolnshire, England
Charles Wesley, 18 December 1707,
Epworth, Lincolnshire, England
DIED: John Wesley, 2 March 1791 (aged 87)
London, England
Charles Wesley, 29 March 1788 (aged 80)
London, England