My New Year's resolution this year is not one I chose, rather it has been thrust upon me. My surgeon wants me to lose weight for the surgery I am having next month. The rest of you lucky people are hopefully getting to choose your own. Here is the list of the best resolutions from none other than King Solomon.
- Trust the Lord with all your Heart.
- Put God first in your life.
- Value loyalty and kindness.
- Let love and faithfulness never leave you.
- Don’t be conceited or a ‘know it all’, wise in your own eyes. Be a better listener.
- Search for Wisdom.
- Preserve sound judgement and discernment.
There is a promise with this - He will then direct your paths and crown your efforts with success.
Be loyal, be kind, and stand with those that are loyal and kind to you. Friends and spouses who aren’t loyal and kind are not worth having.
Definition of Love: Caring as much, or more, for someone else’s well being as your own. – The challenge for Christians is to care for even strangers or enemies with that kind of love. The best example is a man hanging on a cross, with nails in his hands and feet.
Definition of Faithfulness: Keeping your promises. Especially wedding vows. Be loving and faithful, value those around you that are loving and faithful - don’t lose friends and loved ones, through neglect, nurture your relationships. If you don’t pay attention to that relationship - you will lose it. If you sow neglect you will reap neglect. If you sow disdain and scorn, you will reap them. If you sow/show love and caring, you will receive back love and caring.
Don't confuse wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is gaining information and facts, wisdom is knowing and doing right and - common sense. It sometimes takes wisdom to check you have the right source of knowledge.
In other words, take care of your own mental and physical health. Don’t neglect yourself. Don’t do things that you KNOW are bad for you! Don't neglect or put off the things you know are good for you - like a bit of fresh air and regular exercise.
There are 7 Great New Year’s Resolutions. Pray about your New Year's resolutions? Ask God for guidance about what you should work on and for His help in working on it.