trumpet angel


guitar angel



Almighty God,
you gave your only-begotten Son
to take our nature upon him,
and be born of the Virgin Mary;
grant that we,
who have been born again
and made your children by adoption and grace,
may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

New Testament Reading - A word about Righteousness


7Oh, dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: if you are constantly doing what is good, it is because you are good, even as he is. 8But if you keep on sinning, it shows that you belong to Satan, who since he first began to sin has kept steadily at it. But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the devil. 9The person who has been born into God’s family does not make a practice of sinning because now God’s life is in him; so he can’t keep on sinning, for this new life has been born into him and controls him — he has been born again.

10So now we can tell who is a child of God and who belongs to Satan. Whoever is living a life of sin and doesn’t love his brother shows that he is not in God’s family; 11for the message to us from the beginning has been that we should love one another.

. . . . . 1 John 3:7-11


Thank Him for 3 things that happened today (Good or Not!)


Our Father,
save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.

Giver of the present, hope for the future:
save us from the time of trial.
When prophets warn us of doom,
of catastrophe and of suffering beyond belief,
then, God, free us from our helplessness,
and deliver us from evil.
Save us from our arrogance and folly,
for you are God who created the world;
you have redeemed us and you are our salvation.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International.
Prayer 7s Ministry, New Zealand. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.