Take 10
Great Loving One,
In Whom we all live and move;
Together we bring to You
ourselves and our world:
May Your love and light
surround us, bless us, heal us.
We are in Your hands.
New Testament Reading - Hearing and doing

19Dear brothers, don’t ever forget that it is best to listen much, speak little, and not become angry; 20for anger doesn’t make us good, as God demands that we must be.
21So get rid of all that is wrong in your life, both inside and outside, and humbly be glad for the wonderful message we have received, for it is able to save our souls as it takes hold of our hearts.
22And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves. 23For if a person just listens and doesn’t obey, he is like a man looking at his face in a mirror; 24as soon as he walks away, he can’t see himself anymore or remember what he looks like. 25 But if anyone keeps looking steadily into God’s law for free men, he will not only remember it but he will do what it says, and God will greatly bless him in everything he does.
26Anyone who says he is a Christian but doesn’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much. 27The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father’s point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans and widows, and who remains true to the Lord — not soiled and dirtied by his contacts with the world.
. . . . . James 1:19-27Intercession
Please remember our Prayer Requests
Show us your mercy, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.
The earth is full of violence:
look, O Lord, upon your covenant.
Christ, have mercy. E te Karaiti, kia aroha mai.
O God, do not be silent;
do not keep still, nor hold your peace, O God.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.