Tu B'Shevat

Jewish New Year for Trees


Jewish Arbor Day
Tu B'Shevat
Jewish New Year for Trees

Picture courtesy of Barnert Temple

This is a type of Jewish Arbor Day but with a little more to it. It is also called Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot (ראש השנה לאילנות‎), literally "New Year of the Trees".Different things have their New Year at different times (e.g. the Tax Dept starts their New Year on 1 April.) The year for trees in Israel begins today. Jews today often take the time today to reflect on our ecological environment, and our reliance on trees for oxygen and other items that make trees an essential part of the chain of life, and generally on the health of the planet. They are likely a little distracted by current events at the moment so lets join in today and pray for the world's trees and nature, God's creation.

Jews celebrate this today by partaking in sedars (feasts) of fruit etc. They use up to 15 different types of fruit (who knew there were so many) but the most important are 7 sacred fruits (There is that number again). These fruits are known as the 'shivat haminim' in Hebrew, which means "7 species". They are considered special products of the Land of Israel and are mentioned in the Torah. They are wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. The main idea was that eating 10 specific fruits and drinking 4 cups of wine in a specific order while reciting the appropriate blessings would bring human beings, and the world, closer to spiritual perfection.

Wheat and barley are not what we would consider "fruit" they are cereal grains, until you remember that "fruit" can have another meaning. The 15 fruits listed are broken up into groups:

There was a biblical prohibition against eating fruit from any tree in its first 3 years. The 4th year it was brought to Jerusalem as a tithe. Then there was a tithe for the poor that had to be calculated and was tied to this day. It is customary today to recite a short prayer after eating any fruit, recite a special blessing for fruit from the Torah (1st 5 books of the Old Testament). Eat a new fruit - either one you have never tried or one you haven't had this year yet. Plant a tree, or donate to plant a tree in Israel. Have a glass of wine, white or red, if alcohol is a problem make it sparkling grape-juice, over ice - great for the hot days we are enjoying lately here in New Zealand.

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Prayer 7s Ministry, New Zealand. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.