There are 2 subjects in our readings today - in our gospel reading Fasting, at first I didn't even want to think about it. I am on a liquid died and awaiting surgery, so I am fasting - no solid food. But then I suddenly realized from when this started, (I was 6 days in hospital), until I go back for surgery is approx 40 days and I swear I heard God chuckle. Also God wastes nothing, I shared a hospital room with 3 others - and the lady in the bed next to me was Jewish and dying. I got to talk to her and share the gospel, then pray for her, and saw peace come into her face, everyone could sense the change in her. I wonder if I was there just for her, if so she is worth it. But I also got to pray for the other 2 ladies in the room and we had a small miracle occur. One had her gall bladder removed, but they were going to have to go back in because of a fairly large stone they missed, it was going to be tricky surgery to remove it. I prayed for her and the next day when they sent her for a second scan - the stone was gone! Thank you Jesus!
Two of today's readings are about Jesus being our High Priest like the mysterious figure Melchizedek. Before Jerusalem became Jerusalem it was a place named Salem. The king was named Melchizedek and he was also High Priest of El Elyon, which means the Most High God/Creator. This was in the time of Abraham and King Malchizedek blessed Abram (as he was known then) and he brought out bread and wine (shared Communion) and Abraham actually tithed to King Melchizedek. The Jews as a nation did not yet exist but this Gentile was the chosen King and High Priest of God, and Abraham recognized and honoured him as such. Where? IN WHAT WOULD BECOME JERUSALEM! This is all in (Genesis 14:18-20).
Only later when the Jews became a nation at Mount Sinai did God separate church and state, a little, Moses as leader and his brother Aaron as High Priest. Jesus is not of the priestly line of Aaron, but God has stated that like Melchizedek he will be King and High Priest. Our Old Testament reading today Psalm 110 claims that somewhere back in History he is actually a decendant of the line of Melchizedek, Jesus does have at least 2 Gentiles in his line that we know about, Ruth the Mohabite that was an ancestor of King David and also Rahab the prositute from Jericho so its possible. Melchizedek is so mysterious a character that some think, he may have actully been Jesus. But Psalm 110 indicates Jesus is of his line.