Te Whiti o Rongomai



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Te Whiti o Rongomai, Prophet

Te Whiti was educated by missionaries and had a wide-ranging, deep knowledge and love of the Bible, quoting large sections by heart, it was his constant companion. He became one of the most remarkable Maori prophetic figures of the 19th century. He and co-leader Tohu Kakahi founded Parihaka a Maori Christian community, a place of peace. Instead of the usual fortified pa, they created an open village, in the shadow of Mount Taranaki on the banks of the Waitotoroa stream. The layout carefully planned, economy and agriculture efficiently managed, education of the young organised, sanitation and health measures enforced, no weapons were allowed and alcohol was forbidden.

The Maori Land Wars of the 1860's were mostly over. But had devastated Maori life. The colonial government used the war as an excuse for mass confiscation of Maori land, sought after by the land-hungry settlers. Part of the land designated for confiscation was on the western flanks of Mount Taranaki and included the village of Parihaka.

Te Whiti was an outstanding orator, and by the strength of his mana, he forged his people into a cohesive and unified community. The 2 leaders came up with the idea of non-violent passive resistance, (60 years before Mahatma Gandhi in India).

In 1878, government surveying of the confiscated southern Taranaki lands for European settlement began. In response, from May 1879, under the initial direction of Tohu, the Parihaka men went out to reclaim this land by ploughing the land and removing the surveyor's pegs etc, as a form of non-violent resistance and protest. As they were arrested and imprisoned (for ploughing), others took their places. This led to conflict with the government. We read yesterday what happened at Parihaka on 5 Nov 1881.

Te Whiti and Tohu were charged with using seditious language, but never tried, despite frequent demands for a fair trial. They remained under arrest without trial for 2 years in the South Island, but in the end were released. Even so Te Whiti was by no means anti-pakeha. He himself stated:

"What I said and wished to convey was, that the two races should live side by side in peace, . . . the white man to live among us - not we to be subservient to his immoderate greed." - Te Whiti o Rongomai

Te Whiti and Tohu returned to Parihaka in 1883. The ploughing campaign continued. Te Whiti was imprisoned again for 6 months in 1886, and in 1897, 92 Maori were arrested for similar actions. A Royal Commission in 1926 found the Maori land claims were just. In 2017 the Government formerly apologized for its actions at Parihaka.

Te Whiti passed away in 1907 there was a huge tangi involving people from all over New Zealand. A marble column was erected above his grave, and on it were inscribed these words in Maori and English:

He tangata ia i mahi i nga mahi
Nunui, hei peehi i te kino
kia tu ko te rangimarie
Hei oranga mo nga iwi
Katoa i te ao ko tana tohu
I waiho ake te tona iwi ki
Te Ati-awa he Raukura
Tona tikanga
Hei kororia ki te Atua i runga
Hei maunga-ronga ki runga
Ki te whenua
Hei whakaaro pai ki te tangata
He was a man who did
great deeds in suppressing evil,
so that peace might reign
as a means of salvation 
to all people on earth.
His emblem, the white feather,
which signifies
glory to God on high
peace on earth
and goodwill to all mankind,
he bequeathed to his people
Te Ati-Awa.

BORN: 1831, Ngamotu, New Plymouth - A member of the Ngati Awa tribe.

DIED: 18 November 1907, Parihaka, Taranaki, New Zealand.

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Prayer 7s Ministry, New Zealand. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.