Bless the Lord, whose name is to be praised,
Our Father who art in heaven,
who has given us his laws,
to show us the error of our ways,
Blessed is his son, Christ the Messiah,
who redeemed us from having broken them.
Blessed are you, O Holy Spirit,
who assists us in sinning no more,
and sustains us in the way of the Lord,
grant us wisdom and understanding this day.
Lent is partly a remembrance of Jesus being lead out into the Wilderness where he spent 40 days and 40 nights - just as the Hebrews were freed from slavery in Egypt and lead out into the wilderness, where they would end up spending 40 years. This is not, I believe a coincidence.
Old Testament Reading - The Exodus from Egypt

37That night the people of Israel left Rameses and started for Succoth; there were six hundred thousand of them, besides all the women and children, going on foot. 38People of various sortsa went with them; and there were flocks and herds — a vast exodus of cattle. 39When they stopped to eat, they baked bread from the yeastless dough they had brought along. It was yeastless because the people were pushed out of Egypt and didn’t have time to wait for bread to rise to take with them on the trip.
40-41The sons of Jacob and their descendants had lived in Egypt 430 years, and it was on the last day of the 430th year that all of Jehovah’s people left the land. 42This night was selected by the Lord to bring his people out from the land of Egypt; so the same night was selected as the date of the annual celebration of God’s deliverance.
. . . . .Exodus 12:37-42- Literally, “a mixed multitude.” The meaning is not clear.
Please remember our Prayer Requests
O Lord, you are our God:
we call upon you all day long.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.
Rescue the weak and poor,
deliver them from the power of the wicked.
Christ, have mercy. E te Karaiti, kia aroha mai.
Lord, our souls wait for you,
for our hope is in your word.
Lord, have mercy. E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.