Almighty God,
from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed:
kindle, we pray, in every heart,
the true love of peace,
and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom
those who take counsel for the nations of the earth;
that in tranquillity your Kingdom may go forward
till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord . . .
Thank Him for 3 things that happened today (Good or Not!)
Our Father,
hallowed be your name
on earth as in heaven.
Holy One, holy and eternal,
awesome, exciting and delightful in your holiness;
make us pure in heart to see you;
make us merciful to receive your kindness,
and to share our love with all your human family;
then will your name be hallowed on earth as in heaven.
The Blessing
May Christ the Son of God, gladden our hearts
with the good news of God’s Kingdom.